Trinity Pentecostal Church strives to be “A Place for the Whole Family.”
We want you and any guests or family members with you to feel comfortable and welcome here.
Wondering about parking?
When you first arrive, you will enter the parking lot for our main church building, and you can feel free to park anywhere you would like. Then you can enter through the main building’s entrance, which faces the highway.
Expect to be greeted!
When you come through our main entrance, a friendly church member will welcome you to Trinity, hand you a bulletin and guide you and anyone with you to your appropriate class, or to the sanctuary.
We have childcare!
We have a variety of kids’ classes for all age groups on Sunday mornings. Our greeters will give you more information when you arrive. There are no classes on Sunday nights, but the nursery is always available for parents to use as needed.
What to expect from a regular service –
On Sunday mornings, we have a variety of kids classes available during the service. Teens and adults will meet together in the Sanctuary. We have a time of worship and take up an offering, followed by a sermon from one of our pastoral staff. There is usually an altar call – a time during which you can come up and pray at the altars or request special prayer.
On Sunday nights, all ages meet together in the Sanctuary. The nursery is open for parents and guardians to use as needed. We follow a similar pattern to Sunday morning. We will also take up prayer requests.
On Wednesday nights, we have classes for various classes for all ages. Click here to see what classes we are currently offering.
What to expect from worship –
The worship team and choir at Trinity strive to unify the congregation and point our hearts and minds toward Christ. You can expect a mix of traditional and contemporary music. You are free to stand, lift your hands, and worship as the Holy Spirit leads.
Wondering what to wear?
Trinity Pentecostal Church values modesty. However, casual dress is quite common and all are welcome to come as you are! We will place emphasis on our personal walks with Christ above all! We are a congregation of Followers – not just fans!
What do I need to know my first time visiting
a Pentecostal church?
All churches have a different atmosphere – even churches among the same denomination! If you are unsure whether you would feel comfortable at Trinity Pentecostal Church, we urge you to consider the following so you know what to expect:
- Gifts of the Spirit – We believe in the gifts of the Spirit such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing. It is common at Trinity for gifts of the Spirit to be manifested during our worship time or altar call.
- Tongues and Interpretation – We believe that one primary purpose of tongues is to edify the church. At times, a message may be given in tongues. This should be followed by someone giving an interpretation. It is appropriate to be quiet and prayerful during this time. Another purpose of tongues is prayer between an individual and God – for this, there is not usually an interpretation.
- Being led by the Spirit – We believe in all things being done decently and in order. We follow a specific order of service for all of our meetings. We also believe in being led by the Spirit and allowing God to have His way in our services. Our altars are always open for those who feel led to come and pray, or just to praise God at the altar.
Overall, we do not want anyone to feel alienated or left out. We want you to know what to expect and to feel comfortable. You are always free as a guest to join in our times of worship and prayer. However, you are under no pressure to participate in anything you are not familiar with or have questions about.
We encourage you to speak with our Pastor, his wife, or another one of our ministry leaders if you have any questions about our beliefs and practices.
Follow our Facebook page to connect with us and learn more about who we are!